Research & Papers


Main topics: Prototypes – Occupy / 15M movement – Free Culture –

[forthcoming]. Ecologies in beta: the city as infrastructure of apprenticeships. In P. Harvey, C. B. Jensen & A. Morita (Eds.), Infrastructure and Social Complexity: A Routledge Companion. London and New York: Routledge.

[forthcoming]. Matters of sense: pre-occupation in Madrid’s popular assemblies movement. In A. Blok & I. Farías (Eds.), Urban cosmopolitics: Agencements, Assemblies, Atmospheres: Wiley-Blackwell.

[under review]. Political exhaustion and the experiment of street: Boyle meets Hobbes in Occupy Madrid.

[under review]. Ethnography: a prototype.

[2015]. Prototyping social sciences. Emplacing digital methods. In H. Snee, C. Hine, Y. Morey, S. Roberts & H. Watson (Eds.), Digital Methods for Social Sciences. An Interdisciplinary guide to research innovation: Palgrave.

[2014] The right to infrastructure: a prototype for open source urbanism. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 32(2) 342 – 362.

[2014] Assembling neighbors: the city as hardware, method and a ‘very messy kind of archive’, Common Knowledge, vol. 20, nº 1.

[2013The interior design of (free) knowledge (With Zoohaus.) Journal of Cultural Economy. Special Issue, Prototyping cultures: art, science and politics in beta, ed. Alberto Corsín Jiménez.

 [2013] The prototype: more than many and less than one. Journal of Cultural Economy. Special Issue, Prototyping cultures: art, science and politics in beta, ed. Alberto Corsín Jiménez.

[2013] The atmospheric person: value, experiment and ‘making neighbours’ in Madrid’s popular assemblies, Hau. Journal of Ethnographic Theory, Special Issue on Value as theory, Vol 3, no. 2.

[2013]  Asambleas al aire: la arquitectura ambulatoria de una política en suspensión, Revista de Antropología Experimental, vol. 13.

[2013] Laboratorios de procomún: experimentación, recursividad y activismo (con Jara Rocha y Antonio Lafuente). Teknokultura, vol. 10. nº 1. Número monográfico, Laboratorios del procomún, ed. Adolfo Estalella, Jara Rocha y Antonio Lafuente.

[2013]  Asambleas populares: el ritmo urbano de una política de la experimentación [borrador]. En La democracia del futuro. Del 15M a la emergencia de una sociedad civil viva, coord. Marta Cruells y Pedro Ibarra, Icaria.

[2011] #spanishrevolution (abstract, and draft), Alberto Corsín Jimenez and Adolfo Estalella. Anthropology Today (2011), vol. 27 n. 4 19-23.

[2011] The prototype: a sociology in abeyance, Alberto Corsín Jimenez and Adolfo Estalella. Prototyping prototyping ARC episode no. 3, January 2011.

[2011] Prototyping relationships: on techno-political hospitality, Alberto Corsín Jimenez and Adolfo Estalella. Prototyping prototyping ARC episode no. 3, January 2011.

[2010] The hospitable prototype: a technopolis in construction (video), Alberto Corsín Jimenez and Adolfo Estalella. Prototyping cultures conference, 5 November 2010, Medialab-Prado (Madrid, Spain).


[2012] The interior design of the right to the city: the atmosphere, rhythm and circuitry of #Occupation, Alberto Corsín Jiménez & Adolfo Estalella.

[2012] 15M: ciudad, prototipo y método. Alberto Corsín, entrevista para el documental (video).

[2011] Del 15M a la #acampadasol: topologías para un experimento político urbano (video). Alberto Corsín, Seminario Empiria Digital, 8 de julio de 2011, Medialab-Prado (Madrid, Spain).

[2010] Prototyping and social experimentation (video), introduction to the Prototyping culture conference, Alberto Corsín Jiménez. 4 November 2010, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Madrid, Spain).

[2010] Una aproximación etnográfica al estudio de la cultura. Etnografía de Medialab-Prado (video), Adolfo Estalella and Alberto Corsín Jimenez. Redada Madrid. Metodologías de investigación en cultura, 15 septiembre de 2010, por YP, Jaron Rowan y Rubén García.

[2010] Taller de etnografía: Otras vidas de laboratorio (audio). Alberto Corsín Jiménez y Adolfo Estalella. 25 de mayo de 2010, Medialab-Prado (Madrid).

Workshops and seminars

[2012] The city as an open interface. A two-day research international workshop at the Spanish National Research Council / Medialab-Prado. Madrid, 5-6 July 2012

[2011] Empiria Digital. Seminarios permanentes de investigación social sobre Internet y las tecnologías digitales.

[2010] Prototyping cultures: social experimentation, do-it-yourself science and beta-knowledge. A two-day conference organized by the Spanish National Research Council in Madrid in the 4th and 5th of November 2010.

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